Thursday, September 01, 2011

Outback Dentist

We spent two weeks doing dentistry in two very remote aboriginal settlements.  We had the combination of a decrepit dental van with no xray capabilities and many patients who had literally not seen a dentist ever in their lives.  Sounds bleak, but we did have an enthusiastic team (Myself, Mark and Dental Nurse Linda) and a rockin' ipod.  We spent two weeks and saw about 100 patients.  Mark and Linda tried their best to get the people in these communities out of pain.  Hygiene and preventative dentistry does not factor in this time around as there was too much other work to do.  As I said in my last blog, it was an amazing adventure and cultural experience
the supply plane arrives from Alice Springs
this was our front door and porch, the communities were considered unsafe at night

the VAN!!

months of red dusk took hours to clean

getting sorted for our patients

how the community deals with rubbish

Linda and Richard

depressing playground
flouride treatment